Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital



Dr. Arvind Sharma

Pro. & HOD (Psychiatry)

Educational qualifications – MBBS, MD PSYCHIATRY from Government Medical College, Patiala.
Current designation – Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Adesh Medical College and Hospital, Shahabad, KKR.
Former Registrar and Professor in-charge admission and registration at BFUHS, Faridkot.
Former Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry at GGS MC & H, Faridkot.
Former Professor, Department of Psychiatry at CMC & H, Ludhiana.
Former Associate professor, Department of Psychiatry at MMIMSR, Mullana, Ambala.
Former Senior Resident – IGMC, Shimla.

Department of psychiatry at Adesh medical college, Mohri, Shahabad consists of out-patient and an in-patient complex (including 30 bedded psychiatry ward). Faculty consists of Professor and head of department, additional professor, associate professor and assistant professor along with senior resident and junior resident doctors. It also has a clinical psychologist, nursing staff, EEG technician and other support staff.

1. Study of knowledge and attitude of medical interns towards psychiatry and persons
with mental illness.
[Dr. Shubham Batra, Dr. Arvind Sharma, Dr. Saurabh Yakhmi]
2. Study of pattern of consultation liaison psychiatry in a tertiary care hospital.
[Dr. Virpal Kaur, Dr. Arvind Sharma, Dr Varun Arora]
3. Prevalence of personality traits in generalized anxiety disorder.
[Dr. Palkin, Dr. S.K. Mattoo, Dr. Varun Arora]

  1. Modified Electro-convulsive therapy
  2. Various psychotherapies
  3. Psychological testing
  4. EEG
  5. Biofeedback
  6. Aversion therapy
  7. Urine drug screening
  8. Alcohol breath analyzer
1. Study of knowledge and attitude of undergraduate medical students towards psychiatry and persons with mental illness.
[Supervisor- Dr. Arvind Sharma, professor and head, department of Psychiatry Co-Supervisor- Dr. S.K. Mattoo, professor, department of Psychiatry PG Resident- Dr. Shubham Batra]
2. Study of psychiatric morbidity in patients with traumatic brain injury presenting in a tertiary care hospital.
[Supervisor- Dr. Arvind Sharma, professor and head, department of psychiatry Co-Supervisor- Dr. S.K. Mattoo, professor, department of psychiatry, Dr. Ravi Tiwary, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Department of Neurosurgery PG- Resident- Dr. Virpal Kaur]
3. Prevalence of personality traits in patients with mental illness. [Supervisor- Dr. Arvind Sharma, professor and head, department of psychiatry Co-Supervisor- Dr. S.K. Mattoo, professor, department of psychiatry PG- Resident- Dr. Palkin]

1. Addiction psychiatry – focuses on evaluation and treatment of individuals with alcohol, drug, or other substance-related disorders, and of individuals with dual diagnosis of substance-related and other psychiatric disorders.
2. Adult Psychiatry – including in-patient and out-patient Care
3. Child and adolescent psychiatry – the branch of psychiatry that specializes in work with children, teenagers, and their families.
4. Geriatric psychiatry – a branch of psychiatry dealing with the study, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders in humans with old age.
5. Emergency psychiatry – the clinical application of psychiatry in emergency setting.

6. Biological psychiatry – an approach to psychiatry that aims to understand mental disorders in terms of the biological function of the nervous system.
7. Forensic psychiatry – the interface between law and psychiatry.
8. Consultation Liaison psychiatry – the branch of psychiatry that specializes in the interface between other medical specialties and psychiatry.
9. Neuropsychiatry – branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders attributable to diseases of the nervous system.
10. Community psychiatry – an approach that reflects an inclusive public health perspective and is practiced in community mental health services.
11. Procedures – like Modified Electro-convulsive therapy, bio-feedback.
12. Psychotherapies and counselling – for various psychiatry disorders and other indications.
13. Teaching activities – both UG and PG teaching as per NMC curriculum
14. Research activities

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