Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital



Dr. Vivek Mittal

Pro. & HOD (Anesthesiology)

Education: M. B. B. S, MD (Anesthesiology)
Areas of Specialty: 1.Cardiac & Super specialize surgeries. 2.Critical & Intensive Care
Teaching Experience: I have more than 10 years teaching experience in Adesh Medical College & Hospital.

This department has evolved over time in providing the best of care to patients and also training post graduates. The Department of Anaesthesiology at AMCH aids patients with perioperative care, pain management for both minimally invasive and complex open surgeries. Our department works as a team with various other surgical specialties offering general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, acute and chronic pain management, we also handle critically ill patients requiring surgery. Work is equally balanced with academics. Regular classes and teaching programmes keep our post graduates updated with the latest guidelines and working protocol. The Head of the Department Dr. Vivek Mittal (Prof. & Head), with other Senior Faculty Dr. Hardeep Bariar (Prof.), Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta (Prof.) ensure smooth working of the department and also encourage the post graduates to participate in various academic activities. The department includes other skilled and experienced anesthesiologists giving their best effort. The department provides anaesthetic services at 3 major domains:-
1. OT’s (10 functional Elective and Emergency OT’s)
2. ICU Complex (HDU, SICU, RICU, NICU, Neuro ICU, Medical ICU, CCU)
3. Emergency services (Emergency OT and Casualty)
To a variety of surgeries including general surgery, Orthopaedics, obstetrics and gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, maxillofacial surgery, pediatric, plastic and neuro surgery. State of the art technology and science is being used including multimodular-monitors, newer anesthetics, ultrasound- guided regional anesthesia and a large variety of difficult airway equipment among many others providing excellent training opportunities. In the department the Centre provides the trainees excellent opportunities to train in life support skills and management of critical incidents among others. There is always a willingness to learn from one another- junior or senior, young or old. All work is patient-centric with emphasis on safety and ethics. A combination of good quality clinical work as well as academics teaching is the whole sole moto of the department.

1) Pre-operative check up
2) Post-operative recovery
3) Acute pain management
4) Labour Analgesia including Epidural Anaesthesia/ Analgesia
5) Anaesthesia for all types of urological procedures
6) Paediatric anesthesia including neonates
7) Anaesthesia for orthopedics procedure
8) Neuroanaesthesia
9) Anesthesia for, Plastic, Asthetic, Cosmetic and burns surgeries.
10) Obstetric Anaesthesia and Anaesthesia for gynecological procedures
11) Anaesthesia for other procedures like GI scopys, MRI, dental procedures
12) Anaesthesia for critically ill patients requiring surgery Lectures for

The Department of Anaesthesia at AMCH has Post graduate course of MD anesthesia started one year back with four seats. We have two batch to PG ongoing. The Department hopes to extend its services in this area along with research.

  1. Classes for UG students.
  2. Lectures, seminars, symposium, mock drills, case presentations, mock examinationsfor PG students.
  3. Lecture sessions for Anaesthesia technician course trainees.

  1. A comparatve study of fentanyl and dexmedetomidine as adjuvant to 0.25% ropivacaine for posterior tap block for post- operative analgesia in lower segment ceasarean section patients under spinal anaesthesia – Dr. Taruna beniwal (PG 1 year).
  2. Comparision of ultrasonographic measurement of ivc diameter to cvp for assessment of fluid status in mechanical ventilated patients in the intensive care unit- a prosepective observational trial – Dr Tariq Ahmad Bhat (PG 1 year).
  3. Comparison of macintosh, mccoy and mcgrath video laryngoscope in anticipated difficult intubation in elective surgeries, a prospective randomized comparative study- dr. Atul kumar (PG 1 year).
  4. Perioperative Management As Per Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Approach Versus Traditional Approach In Patient Posted For Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy; A Systematic Randomized Control Trial – Dr. Khushbu (PG 1 year).
  5. A comparative study of spinal anaesthesia using 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine, 0.5 % hyperbaric levobupivacaine and 0.75% hyperbaric ropivacaine in urological procedures – Dr. Rashmi Dahiya (PG 2 year).
  6. A randomized comparative study of nitroglycerine, labetalol and propofol infusion for controlled hypotension during head and neck surgeries – Dr. Sakshi Dhir (PG 2 year).
  7. A Randomized Comparative And Prospective Study Of Dexmedetomidine And Clonidine To Attenuate The Hemodynamic Responses To Laryngoscopy And Endotracheal Intubation – Dr. Rupesh Sharma (PG 2 year).
  8. Dexemedetomedine vs Propofol as sedatives agent for awake fiberoptic intubation in various laproscopic surgery: A comparative prospective randomized trial – Dr. Sandeep Singh (PG 2 year).

The department is involved in

  1. BLS courses
  2. ACLS courses
  3. ATLS courses (In coordination with surgical team)
  4. CME’s
  5. UG, Intern and PG teaching
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