Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital


Adesh Medical College & Hospital (Mohri) Celebrated its annual college day, AXON-2024 from 29 March to 03 April 2024

Adesh Medical College & Hospital (Mohri) celebrated its annual college day, AXON, showcasing excellence in medical education. The week-long event, AXON 24, from 29 Mar-03 Apr, brought together students, faculty, alumni, and guests. Activities included cultural, art, literature, and sports to maximize student participation. The Annual Awards day on 02…
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World Glaucoma Week observed on March 14,2024

Adesh Medical College and Hospital, Mohri commemorated World Glaucoma Week on March 14, with faculty talk by esteemed speakers including Dr. N.S. Lamba, ( Principal) Dr. Gursatinder Singh, (Medical Superintendent) and Dr. Punita Garg, Head of Ophthalmology. Dr. Sheena and Dr. Priyanka also contributed to the event, sharing insights and…
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Celebration of World Hearing Day

It’s great to hear about the celebration of World Hearing Day at Adesh Hospital in Mohri, Kurukshetra. The lineup of speakers, including Dr. N.S. Lamba (principal), Dr. G.P.S. Gill head of department (ENT), Dr.Ravneet kaur (AP), Dr.Chetna sharma, Dr. Neelam, Dr. Reetika, and Mr.Sudhir, surely provided valuable insights. The event’s…
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World Cancer Day event on February 3, 2024

Adesh Hospital Mohri orchestrated a successful World Cancer Day event on February 3, 2024. Dr. N.S. Lamba (Principal) delivered an insightful inaugural address along with Dr.Guntas Singh Gill (MD), honorable Chairman Sir, Dr.H.S.Gill setting the stage for the day’s discussions. Dr. Gursatinder Singh emphasized crucial early detection strategies for the…
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World Leprosy Day event held on January 30, 2024

30 January 2024: Adesh Hospital observed World Leprosy Day, fostering awareness and support in the fight against leprosy. A team of doctors along with post graduate students conducted informative sessions, engaged healthcare professionals, community members, and patients to dispel myths, reduce stigma, and promote early detection and treatment along with…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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Melbourne, Australia
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