Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital

Continuing Medical Education

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Continuing Medical Education shall be one of the principal activities of the institution in its objectives aimed at keeping the health professionals abreast of the developments in the field.

The Objectives Of The Continuing Medical Education Programme Are:
  1. To provide opportunities to update knowledge, skills and practices of health professionals and paraprofessionals involved at different levels of health care delivery systems and or in biomedical research.
  2. To design and implement educational programmes for postgraduate students in various specialties of medical sciences (with focus on the preparation of candidates for higher level postgraduate medical examinations from the non-formal stream as conducted by the National Board of examinations).
  3. To conceptualize, prepare and disseminate appropriate self-learning materials for various categories of target groups covered under the programme; and,
  4. To develop print and non-print Learning Resource Materials in response to, and in congruence with, the training needs and educational requirements.
The Continuing Education Programme Is Implemented Through:
  1. Seminars/Symposia
  2. Workshops
  3. Short-term courses
  4. Educational Programmes for the development of Human Resource for Health (Scientists Exchange Programme/Training of Junior Medical Scientists etc). These programmes are being implemented through the NAMS Zonal/State Chapters, Zonal conveners/State Liaison Officers, medical institutions, and, national professional associations. The CME Programme Committee guides and monitor the progress on a regular basis.
The Institution Is Committed To The Following:
  1. Progressively make Continuing Medical Education mandatory for all medical professionals to undergo minimum number of hours of CME and training periodically.
  2. Each professional medico must develop appropriate and relevant Continuing Medical Education Programme (CME) which can play meaningful role in primary health care system.
  3. Priority to the various national health programmes.
  4. The individual should develop programmes in multi-disciplinary manner which should be problem based.
  5. Establish a CME cell for planning, implementation and evaluation for its CME activities.

CLICK HERE to see detailed CME activities


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)