Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital



Dt. Sandeep Kaur (M.SC in food & nutrition)

HOD (Dietician)

1. Dt. Sandeep Kaur (M.SC in food & nutrition)
8 years 5 months experience Dietician

2. Dt. Muskaan (M.SC in food & nutrition) Dietician
3. Dt. Vinita (M.SC in food & nutrition) Dietician

Department of dietetics At Adesh medical college and hospital has been functioning ever since the Bedding of Adesh hospital in 2015. It is located on basement of the hospital building. The department of dietetics and nutrition services at AMCH is progressive & fully committed to provide the highest quality nutritional care, leading edge nutrition practice, food service & education to patients and staff.

  1. Clinical nutrition
  2. Education and training
  3. Patient services
  1. Clinical dieticians are specialists in assessing &addressing nutritional need of patients with complex health conditions.
  2. The department of dietetics & nutrition offers nutritional assessment &dietary advice to patients who are under the case of Adesh medical centre.
  3. The aim of the department is to promote health, prevent disease and aid in management of illness.
  4. The team ensures optimum nutrition for all patients undergoing or recovering various treatments.
  5. Clinical nutritionists assess the nutritional status of patients, calculate individual nutritional requirements & educate families on special & health promoting diets & nutritional support.
  1. The department of dietetics &nutrition provides outpatient nutrition services within the hospital campus.
  2. The department also provides nutritional care and advice about life style changer through counseling management after through classes.
  1. Good nutrition is a key component of recovering from surgery or illness.
  2. The department of dietetics &nutrition provides nutritional care, advice & education to patients while they are in the hospital and even after they are discharged.
  3. Dieticians work with the medical team providing valuable information regarding appropriate nutrition careto the patients.
  4. Nutrition and food service staff help patients select their daily menus and deliver meals to the bed side.
  1. The departments provide education or internship to the dietetic interns.

1.Regular or normal diet
2.Liquid diet
3.Soft diet

  1. Diabetic diet
  2. Renal diet
  3. Bland diet
  4. Renal + diabetic diet
  5. Hepatic diet
  6. Feeds (kitchen based)
  7. Low fat low salt diet
  8. High fiber diet
  9. High protein diet
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)