Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital

Laboratory Services

Laboratory Services

Laboratory Services: (24×7)

  • Biochemistry
  • Haematology
  • Histopathology
  • Cytology
  • Microbiology
  • Serology
  • Central clinical laboratory

Laboratory services are an important aspect of healthcare, providing essential diagnostic information to support the diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical conditions. These services encompass a wide range of diagnostic tests, including blood tests, urine tests, and imaging studies, among others.

One of the primary benefits of laboratory services is that they provide healthcare providers with important diagnostic information that can be used to make informed decisions about a patient’s care. This can include identifying the presence of a medical condition, determining the severity of the condition, and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment over time.

Laboratory services also play a critical role in the prevention and management of disease. For example, screening tests for conditions such as cancer can help detect the condition in its early stages when it is more easily treated. Similarly, laboratory tests can be used to monitor the progression of chronic medical conditions, allowing for early intervention and management to prevent complications.

In addition to diagnostic testing, laboratory services may also offer specialized services, such as genetic testing or drug testing. These services can provide important information about an individual’s risk for certain medical conditions or how their body is metabolizing a particular medication.

Overall, laboratory services are an essential component of healthcare, providing healthcare providers with important diagnostic information to support the prevention, diagnosis, and management of medical conditions. By utilizing these services, healthcare providers can provide more targeted and effective medical care to their patients.

Personal Care Super Support

Talk to your healthcare provider: Your healthcare provider can help determine what type of diagnostic testing or screening may be appropriate for your specific medical condition. They can also provide you with information about the different laboratory services available in your area.

Follow any preparation instructions: Depending on the type of diagnostic test or screening, you may need to follow certain instructions before the test, such as fasting or avoiding certain medications. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure accurate test results.


  • NH - 44, Near Ambala Cantt., VILL. MOHRI, TEHSIL. SHAHBAD (M), DIST. KURUKSHETRA PIN 136135
  • 0171-2700025
  • 0171-2700000 Ext: 250,251,252,254,253
  • Emergency Contact
    +91 8222954101
  • Ambulance 24*7
    +91 8222954130


View our  Medical prospectus of
brochure for an easy to read guide on
all of the services offer.


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Melbourne, Australia
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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)