Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital



DR. Manjinder Singh

PRO & HOD (Physiology)


Qualification: – MBBS – M P. Shah Government. Medical College Jamnagar
MD – Government. Medical College, Patiala
Experience: – 15 years teaching experience.

The department of Physiology was established in 2016 and is one of the first department established at Adesh Medical College & Hospital, Mohri. The focus of Physiology is study of various organ systems at cellular & tissue levels, & their functions involved to maintain a constant working state of human body called as homeostasis in physiology. The department strives for excellence in education & research. The department is actively involved in implementing innovative practices in teaching as per the new CBME based program. Teaching is based on a regular & rigorous assessment program for students which include Tutorials, Seminar, Clinical-based problem solving & conventional examination. The department has established well-equipped laboratories with all the modern equipments & facilities necessary to teach current concepts in physiology & related research activity. The students are taught & guided by well experienced faculty. – we have faculties from various regions of India from renewed colleges like GMC Patiala LHMC, New Delhi, SRM, Tamilnadu etc.

It has various lakes to teach M.B.B.S aspirants:-
Skills like sample collection, Asepsis & Antisepsis etc.
Hematology lab for various tests like Hb, TLC, DLC, BT, CT, etc.
Clinical lab for learning clinical skills like palpation percussion & auscultation of various system
like CVS, Respiratory etc.
Experimental lab to measure Vc, PFTs, ECG etc.
Research lab for EEG, NCV etc.

Physiology- Physiology is a subject which is the 1 st year of M.B.B.S. It is the foundation upon which we build our knowledge of what “life” is, how to treat disease, and how to cope with various stresses inpased upon our bodies by different environments. Physiology is fundamental of medicine. It is the study of normal functions of various systems within living creatures. It is a very interesting subject as it gives us a vision of how our machinery that is this greatest creation of God human beings sustain by working of various systems.

Hematology Lab
Investigations like Hb estimation, RBC count, WBC count, Platelet count, Blood group &
coagulation studies, Reticulocycte count, Absolute Eosinopil count & erythrocyte sedimentation
rate, Peripheral Blood film, Blood indices

 Human Lab/Clinical Lab
ECG, Ergograph, Spirometery-lungs volumes and Capacities, Stethography, Perimetry.
 Special equipments
 Physiograph (3 single channels)
 Spirometer
 Stethograph
 Bicycle-ergometer
 Perimeter
 Colorimeter, Photo electric
 PH meter, electric
 Otorhino laryngoscope
 Edridge green Lantern
 Basal Metabolic Apparatus
 Labs
 Hematology Lab
 Mammalian Physiology Lab
 Human Physiology Lab
 Clinical Physiology Lab
 Research Lab

In the last five years there have been 22 research publications from the department including PUBMED & SCOPUS indexed papers.

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Personal Care Super Support

As an AI language model, I am not able to provide personal support for gynecological issues. However, if you have concerns about your reproductive health or are experiencing symptoms such as pain, discomfort, or irregularities, it's important to seek help from a qualified gynecologist or healthcare professional.

A gynecologist is a medical doctor who is trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health. They can provide valuable guidance and support, helping you manage your condition and promoting overall wellbeing.

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