Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital

Hostel Information

Facilities in the hostels:

1. Hostels are situated in the spacious, neat and noise free environment in the premises of college campus. Rooms are double seater with attached washrooms. Each room is fitted with AC and geyser. Single room provision is also available. The corridors, mess and entrance of hostel are fitted with CCTV cameras. Wardens are there to look after the students. Elevator facility is present in the hostels.

2. 24/7 electricity facility is provided to the hostels so that students can reside and study comfortably. 3. Food and dining mess facility: Dining mess is spacious and well-ventilated with capacity of 500 students. Hygienic and healthy food is provided to the students. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening snacks are provided to the students. Menu is decided by the mess committee members who are selected by the students themselves. Drinking water is purified water with RO system. The drinking water cooler are fitted on every second floor of the hostel so that students have easy access to drinking water. 4. 24/7 Wi-Fi facility is provided to the students to do their college assignments. The sufficient number of routers are fitted in the corridors so that fast internet range is provided. 5. Laundry facility: There is separate laundry room in which racks are provided to keep the unwashed clothes. Each student is given her/ his laundry bag to keep unwashed clothes. The laundry bags are collected by the men from the laundry of college. Washed clothes are returned to the laundry room of the hostel and students collect their washed clothes.

6. 24/7 medical facility: The first aid facility is there in the hostel. Sick room is provided to the sick students to keep them comfortable during illness. Food is provided to sick students in this room by attendants. In the case of emergency, ambulance service is there to carry the students to emergency of the hospital where doctors on duty examine and necessary treatment is given.
7. Common room fitted with LCD, indoor games like table tennis, carom, chess etc. to provide full enjoyment to the students.
8. Separate study room with sufficient capacity is provided in the hostel. In the study room study tables and chairs have been provided.
9. Visitor/guest room facility: Spacious and ventilated guest room fitted with comfortable sofas and center table is there in the hostel for parents and visitors of students.
10. Hostel staff: Wardens are there to take care of students. They keep the discipline among the students. In case of any indiscipline or misbehavior by the students, they report to the hostel superintendents who work in collaboration with the college principal. Hostel superintendents take visit to the hostels regularly for smooth functioning of hostels. Every effort is done to keep students in comfortable zone. Wardens take the attendance of students in the morning and evening on daily basis. The morning attendance is submitted to the principal office to check the attendance of students in the classes. The evening attendance is reported to the hostel superintendents to keep a look on the unnecessary hostel out visits of students.
11. Home visit and week end outings: Students are allowed to visit their homes on week ends with prior permission of college principal. The day outing in the local area of college is permitted to the students twice a week. This enables the students to get necessary things required to them.
12. 24/7 Security and safety: The female security is posted on the main gate of girl’s hostel and male security on the main gate of boy’s hostel. The security persons make the entries of students and visitors in the registers. They keep an eye on the overall activities around the hostels to ensure the safety of students.

Hostel Staff in Girl’s Hostel:
S.No  Name Designation Phone number
1 Neha Sharma Warden  9056221034
2 Geeta Devi Night attendant 9050528539
Hostel Staff in Boy’s Hostel:
  Designation Name Contact Numbers
Boys Hostel Hostel Superintendent Dr. Gurdeep Singh Dhanjal 9992111717
Hostel Warden Mr. Rohit Kundu 8930480505
Hostel Warden Mr. Jasbir Singh 9388089412
Hostel Warden Mr. Harpreet Singh 9816729715
Girls Hostel Hostel Superintendent Dr. Ranu Rawat 8307142138
Additional Hostel Superintendent Dr. Gyatri Mor 8222954219
Hostel Warden Ms. Neha Sharma 9056221034
Hostel Warden Ms. Geeta Rani 9896905335
Hostel Warden Ms. Rajni Sharma 9813340789
Hostel Warden Ms. Ritu Gupta 9876543212
PG Hostel Hostel Superintendent Dr. Ravi Tiwary 9310544888
Hostel Warden Mr. Harpreet Singh 9816729715

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