Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital

Casualty And Emergency Services

Casualty And Emergency Services

  • The casualty functions round the clock on all days.
  • There are 10 beds in the emergency ICU and 19 beds in the emergency ward and 5 beds kept for triaging the patient.
  • Senior Residents are available in the emergency ward for management and resuscitation.
  • The emergency is well equipped for all the items required for managing the airway, breathing, and circulation.
  • Crash cart, intubation kit, cervical collars, spine board, intercostal drainage tubes and pelvic binders are available for immediate management of life-threatening injuries.
  • Casualty Medical officers and interns Doctors are available 24 hrs on all days in the triage area.
  • In serious cases, priority is given to treatment/ management rather than paperwork like registration and medico-legal cases. The decision rests with the treating doctor.
  • Availability of 24 X7 operation theatres for managing all kinds of trauma surgeries.
  • 24×7 blood bank services are available.
  • Availability of 24 X7 Minor OT and plaster rooms for the splintage and minor surgical procedures.

Casualty and emergency services are a crucial component of any healthcare system. These services provide immediate medical care and transportation to individuals who have experienced a medical emergency or trauma. Emergency services include paramedics, emergency medical technicians, firefighters, police officers, and other first responders who work together to provide life-saving care to patients.

The primary role of casualty and emergency services is to respond to emergency calls and provide medical care to those in need. This can include treating individuals who have suffered a heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening medical condition. Emergency services also respond to accidents and other traumatic events, providing care for injuries such as broken bones, burns, and lacerations.

In addition to providing medical care, emergency services are also responsible for transporting patients to the appropriate healthcare facility. This can include transporting patients to hospitals, trauma centers, or other healthcare facilities that specialize in treating specific medical conditions or injuries.

During natural disasters and other emergencies, casualty and emergency services play a critical role in providing assistance to those in need. This can include rescuing individuals who are trapped in buildings, providing medical care to those injured in the disaster, and transporting individuals to safety.

In addition to emergency situations, casualty and emergency services also provide non-emergency medical transportation for those who require assistance getting to medical appointments. This can be especially helpful for those who are elderly or have mobility issues. If you or someone you know requires non-emergency medical transportation, contacting a local ambulance service or healthcare provider can help arrange the necessary transportation.

Casualty and emergency services are an essential component of any healthcare system. They provide critical medical care and transportation to those in need, and play a vital role in disaster response. These services are staffed by trained medical professionals and first responders who are dedicated to providing the highest quality care to patients in their time of need.

Personal Care Super Support

If you or someone you know requires emergency medical care, calling for emergency services should be the first step taken. When making an emergency call, it is important to provide as much information as possible about the situation, including the location, the nature of the emergency, and any relevant medical information.

While waiting for emergency services to arrive, it is important to stay calm and provide any necessary first aid or assistance to the patient. If the patient is unconscious or not breathing, performing CPR may be necessary. If the patient is bleeding, applying pressure to the wound can help stop the bleeding.


  • NH - 44, Near Ambala Cantt., VILL. MOHRI, TEHSIL. SHAHBAD (M), DIST. KURUKSHETRA PIN 136135
  • 0171-2700000
  • Emergency Contact
    +91 8222954101
  • Ambulance 24*7
    +91 8222954130


View our  Medical prospectus of
brochure for an easy to read guide on
all of the services offer.

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