Adesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and HospitalAdesh Medical College and Hospital

Routine Investigations

Routine Investigations

Routine investigations are a common aspect of healthcare, involving a series of tests or diagnostic procedures that are performed regularly to monitor an individual’s health status. These investigations are typically performed as part of routine check-ups or health screenings and are designed to detect any underlying health issues or changes in the body.

Some of the most common routine investigations include blood tests, urine tests, and imaging studies such as X-rays or ultrasounds. These tests can help detect a range of medical conditions, from infections to chronic illnesses, and provide healthcare providers with important diagnostic information to support the prevention, diagnosis, and management of these conditions.

Routine investigations are important because they allow healthcare providers to identify potential health problems early, when they are more easily treatable. For example, routine blood tests can help detect high cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease if left untreated. Similarly, routine mammograms can help detect breast cancer early, when it is more easily treated and has a higher chance of being cured.

In addition to detecting medical conditions, routine investigations can also be used to monitor the progression of chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension. By regularly monitoring these conditions, healthcare providers can adjust treatment plans as needed to prevent complications and maintain optimal health.

Overall, routine investigations are an important aspect of healthcare, providing healthcare providers with important diagnostic information to support the prevention, diagnosis, and management of medical conditions. By undergoing these investigations as recommended by your healthcare provider, you can take an active role in maintaining your health and well-being.

Personal Care Super Support

Before undergoing any routine investigations, it is important to discuss the purpose of the tests with your healthcare provider. They can help you understand the benefits of the tests and what to expect during the process.

Depending on the type of routine investigation, you may need to follow certain instructions before the test, such as fasting or avoiding certain medications. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure accurate test results.


  • NH - 1, Near Ambala Cantt., VILL. MOHRI, TEHSIL. SHAHBAD (M), DIST. KURUKSHETRA PIN 136135
  • 0171-2700025
  • Emergency Contact
    +91 8222954101
  • Ambulance 24*7
    +91 8222954130


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