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Blood Bank and Component Therapy Unit

Blood Bank and Component Therapy Unit

A blood bank and component therapy unit is a specialized department in a hospital or medical facility that collects, stores, and distributes blood and blood products for transfusions. Blood transfusions are necessary for patients who have lost blood due to injury or surgery, or who have medical conditions that affect their ability to produce enough blood or red blood cells.

Blood banks and component therapy units collect blood donations from volunteer donors and screen them for infections and other health conditions to ensure the safety of the blood products. The blood is then separated into its different components, such as red blood cells, plasma, and platelets, which can be used to treat different medical conditions.

Red blood cells are used to treat anemia and other conditions that cause a low red blood cell count. Plasma is used to treat patients with clotting disorders or burn injuries, while platelets are used to treat patients with low platelet counts or bleeding disorders.

In addition to collecting and storing blood products, blood banks and component therapy units also provide education and support to patients, donors, and medical staff on the importance of blood donation and transfusion safety.

The process of blood transfusion is carefully monitored and managed by medical professionals to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Patients are screened to determine their blood type and compatibility with the donated blood product. The blood product is then transfused into the patient’s bloodstream through an intravenous line.

Overall, blood banks and component therapy units play a critical role in modern healthcare, providing safe and effective blood transfusions to patients in need. By collecting and screening blood donations, and providing education and support to patients and medical staff, these units help ensure the best possible outcomes for patients requiring blood transfusions.

Personal Care Super Support

Blood donation eligibility criteria vary depending on your age, health status, and other factors. Before donating blood, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria set by the blood bank or component therapy unit.

 On the day of donation, make sure to eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of fluids to help maintain your blood volume and energy levels.

 Bring a valid identification document such as a passport or driver's license to the donation center.



  • NH - 1, Near Ambala Cantt., VILL. MOHRI, TEHSIL. SHAHBAD (M), DIST. KURUKSHETRA PIN 136135
  • 0171-2700025
  • Emergency Contact
    +91 8222954101
  • Ambulance 24*7
    +91 8222954130


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