Department of Pharmacology


The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Pharmacology is to inculcate a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics.



At the end of the course, the student should be able to:


At the end of the course, the student should be able to:


Practical knowledge of use of drugs in clinical practice will be acquired through integrated teaching with clinical departments and pre clinical departments.


  1. Professor and Head of the Department- (18 Sq.m.area);
  2. Associate Prof./Reader-Two rooms (15 sq.m. area);
  3. Asst. Professor/Lecturers- Two rooms (12 sq.m. area)
  4. Tutors/ Demonstrators- Two rooms (15 Sq.m. area);
  5. Department office cum Clerical room one (12 Sq.m. area); and
  6. Working accommodation for non-teaching staff (12 Sq.m. area

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