Forensic Medicine

DR. S.S.Oberoi
Pro. & HOD, MBBS, MD, DNA (Forensic Medicine)
Prof.& HEAD in department of Forensic Medicine has 40 years of experience in teaching & research. He has his credit papers published in national and international journals. He is a life member of society of PAFMAT and AFM,. He is very passionate & dedicated teacher.
Teaching of undergraduate students in Forensic medicine aims at providing comprehensive Knowledge of Legal procedure, criminal courts, civil courts, expert witness, All notifications, statuary law, case law recent Judgments of high courts, supreme court of India, medical jurisprudence, interpretation & correlation. of weapon with wounds of injured, Legal aspects involved in patient care. The department is equipped with forensic Photography’ Slides, forensic lab, museum with models and skill lab.
Serial Number | Doctor Name | Publications |
1 | Dr. S.S. Oberoi (Professor & Head) | 1. Singh H, Singh D, Oberoi SS. Profile of poisoning cases in north west region of Haryana- A Retrospective study at a tertiary care hospital. J Indian Acad Forensic med. 2022;44(2): 29-34. 2. Singh H, Kohli R, Oberoi SS, Ridge minutae characteristic for identification in Dactylography. J Punjab Acad forensic med Toxicol 2020;20(1): 165-167. |
Dr. Harpreet Singh (Professor) | 1. Singh H, Singh D, Oberoi ss. Profile of poisoning cases in north west region of Haryana – A Retrospective study at a tertiary care hospital. J Indian Acad forensic med. 2022:44(2): 29-34. 2. Singh H, Kohil R, Oberoi SS, Ridge minutae characteristics for identification in Dactylography. J Punjab Acad forensic medicine med Toxicol 2020;20(1): 165-167. | |
2 | Dr. Yamandeep Sharma (Tutor) | 1. NIL |
3 | Dr. Satyander (Tutor) | 1. NIL |
Serial Number | Facilities |
1 | Mortuary |
2 | Museum |
3 | Research lab |
4 | Department library |
5 | Lecture theater and demonstration rooms. |
Photo Gallery
College Department
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