Community Medicine

Dr. Vikrant Prabhakar
PRO & HOD (Community Medicine)
Qualification : –
MD (PSM), IA (IHI Boston)
IP HMDP (PGI Chandigarh)
Total Teaching Experience : – Dr Vikrant Prabhakar Academician with over 19 years of experience in teaching MBBS students. Accessor for NABH & NOAS & Adviser to Various Public Health Projects.
He is the Member of
Department of Community Medicine was started with the establishment of Adesh Medical College, Mohri in 2017. Its location has been earmarked on third floor of the college building and the premises are fully furnished. The department focuses on the feasible health care delivery to the beneficiaries of surrounding areas in particular and to the whole state in general. The community health activities through orientation campaigns are being undertaken at times as per the schedules structured in advance. The departmental establishment comprises of:
1. Research Lab is well equipped with equipments including ILR, Water testing and sampling kits, microbial testing kit e.g. GM staining, ZN staining.
2. Departmental Museum with various models, specimens, slides, charts, instruments and kits.
3. Demo rooms: There are two well furnished departmental Air Conditioned Demonstration rooms with a sitting capacity of 75 students each. The Demo rooms are well equipped with most modern AV aids.
4. The department has Epidemiological unit and a Biostatical unit.
5. Library: There is a departmental Library where there are approximately more than 200 books and we have subscription of various National and various International Journals.
6. Teaching and Training: Apart from UG courses the department has been granted the recognition for pursuing the PG-MD degree courses in Community Medicine. At times various training courses for health workers are being organized accordingly. The outreach activity component includes: School health check up sessions, Immunization and orientation camps, Family health survey and door to door RCH activities are being carried out on routine basis.
7. Community Health Service: There are two health centers: UHTC- Shahabad & RHTC Thol rendering health care services to the Urban and urban slum population at UHTC and to rural population at RHTC Thol. Both the centers have 24 x 7 ambulance with drivers. The UHTC serves a population of more than 56,000 and is situated at a distance of 10 Kms from
Adesh Medical College. The RHTC’s distance is about 27 Kms and it covers a rural population of more than 26,000. Both the centers have fully trained Medical and paramedical staff to run the centers as per the standard norms then & there. For instance X-rays equipment, auto analyzer, main OT, Labour room and minor OT. Residential accommodation for doctors, mess facilities & separate Interns hostel for boys & girls also for the interns at Thol.
8. Research & development: The department has significantly contributed to research & development in various components of public interest.
Extramural Projects (On going Research)
1. To study adherence of tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT) among the household contacts of pulmonary Tuberculosis patients in a tertiary care centre, Kurukshetra, Haryana. Project sanctioned by State TB Cell, Panchkula, Haryana and GOI.
Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Parmal Singh, Hritik Madan, Kushagra Pandhi.
2. Trend in HIV positivity rate and various factors associated with it in rural population of Haryana: a cross sectional study. Project sanctioned by State Aids Control Society, Panchkula, Haryana and National Aids Control Society.
Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Vikrant Prabhakar, Dr. Parmal Singh, Hritik Madan, Kushagra Pandhi
On going Research
3. Presently pursuing (2023) a research project entitled “Evaluation of Family Adoption Program of National Medical Commission in terms of the perceptions of its Major Stakeholders” which is the Curriculum Innovation Project of my FAIMER fellowship program from Seth GSMC, Mumbai.
Dr. Ranu Rawat
4. To determine the effectiveness of behavior change communication on Tobacco consumers at Tobacco Cessation centre attached to tertiary care hospital, kurukshetra.
Dr. Kanika Sapra, Dr Bhupinder Kaur Anand
5. To assess the prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity and its determinants among the adult population of District Kurukshetra.
Dr Neeraj, Dr Vikrant Prabhakar
6. A study on the prevalence of central obesity and effect of behaviour change communication therapy in reducing associated risk factors in District Kurukshetra exist in Adesh Medical College & Hospital, Shahabad.
Dr. Vijay Vivek, Dr Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Parmal Saini
7. Mental Health status among Long Haul Truck Drivers – a cross-sectional study in northern state of India.
Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Parmal Saini, Dr. Sapna Dalal
8. Psychological distress and coping strategies in health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Narottam Samdarshi, Dr Parmal Singh
Projects under process (under State Aids Control Society & TB Cell, Director General Health Services, Panchkula, Haryana) | Name | Topic |
1. | Dr. Preeti Arora, Dr. Parmal Singh, Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand | A study on assessment of awareness regarding importance of HIV testing within first trimester among pregnant females in District hospital Kurukshetra. |
2. | Dr. Parmal Singh, Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Preeti Arora | A study on Understanding reasons on why LFU rate is high among HIV patients with Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in District hospital, Ambala. |
3. | Dr. Sapna Dalal, Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Parmal Singh | A study on Understanding Reasons for linkage loss from ICTC to ART among HIV patients in Kurukshetra, Haryana. |
4. | Dr. Parmal Singh, Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand | A Study of Tobacco Cessation Attitude and Health-Seeking Behavior among Tuberculosis patients at DOTS centre in District Hospital, Kurukshetra |
5. | Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Parmal Singh | A Study of Tobacco Use Behaviour and Perception of Health risk factors among Tuberculosis Patients at DOTS Centre in District Hospital, Kurukshetra |
Projects completed in the department during last 3 years
Extramural Research
- Verification of Claims for Sub-National Certification (SNC) of Progress towards TB Free Status for the year 2021 of District Kaithal, Haryana.
Projects sanctioned by ICMR- National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai.
Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Preeti Arora, Dr. Parmal Singh
- A study to assess the compliance of Anti-Tobacco Laws applicable at Point of Sale (POS) in three jurisdiction of North India.
Projects sanctioned by WHO.
Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Anand, Dr. Parmal Singh, Ankit Aneja, Tanya Kumar, Takshu Rana, Himanshi Kalonia, Chintan Sethi, Deepti Madan.
- Introduction of Teaching Learning sessions for development of Medical Aptitude in New Medical Entrants” which was my Curriculum Innovation Project for Advanced Course in Medical Education from CMC, Ludhiana.
Dr. Ranu Rawat
Completed Research
- Amrit Virk, Narottam Samdarshi, Parmal Saini, Archisman Mohpatra, Soumya Sahoo, Sonu Goel. Prevalence and determinants of hypertension and associated comorbidities in non-pregnant women of reproductive age group (15-49 years): Evidence from National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), J Family Med Prim Care 2022; 11:5865-73.
- Ranu Rawat, Parmal Singh, Development of medical aptitude amongst fresh medical entrants by way of relevant Teaching Learning sessions : A cross sectional pre -post study. Int J of Community Med Public Health (IJCMPH). 2021 Oct; 8(10):5013-5019.
- Prabhakar V, Virk A, Saini P., Anxiety and Depression among new entrants in a Medical College. Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH), 2020; 32(1): 57-61.
- Narottam Samdarshi, Amrit Virk, Parmal Saini, Vikrant Prabhakar, Nutritional status of one to five-year-old children in Rural Haryana: A community bases study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR), 2020 Sep, Vol-14(9): LC26-LC30.t
- Prabhakar V, Virk A, Saini P, Prevalence of obesity and need for screening using tools like Indian Diabetes Risk Scale in Diabetes prevention among medical students. Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH), 2020; 32(2):348-353.
- Amrit Virk, Narottam Samdarshi, Parmal Saini, Internet addiction and associated health risks among medical undergraduates in North India. Indian Assoc. Child Adolesc. Ment. Health (JIACAM). 2020; 17(2):35-48.
- Prabhakar V, Virk A, Singh P, Perception, Awareness and Practices of Bio Medical Waste Management in a Teaching Hospital. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), 2020; Vol 7(1): 40-44.
- Virk A, Singh P, A study on relationship between body-image and self-esteem among medical undergraduate students – a cross-sectional study from the Medical College of Haryana. Int J of Community Med Public Health (IJCMPH) 2020 Feb; 7(2): 636-641.
- Rawat R, Singh P. A Comparative study between Traditional and Online Teaching-Learning: Medical Students’ perspective in the Wake of Corona pandemic. Natl J Community Med 2020; 11(9):341-345.
- Ranu Rawat, Parmal Singh, A cross sectional study to determines empathy levels in 3rd year medical students of a private medical college in North India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 9(9); September – 2020.
- Ranu Rawat, Dr. Parmal Singh, Empathy Levels and its relationship with various independent factors – A web – based cross sectional study amongst medical students: International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, Int J Community Med Public Health 2020; 7: 4125-9.
Dr Vijay Vivek , Batch 2022.
Topic of dissertation: Prevalence of central obesity and effect of Behavior Change Communication strategy on associated risk factors among urban adult population of District Kurukshetra
Dr Neeraj, Batch 2021
Topic of dissertation: To assess the prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity and its determinants among the adult population of District Kurukshetra
Dr Kanika, Batch 2021
Topic of dissertation: To determine the Effectiveness of behavior change communication on tobacco Consumers at Tobacco Cessation Centre attached to tertiary care Hospital, Kurukshetra
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